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Lumber Street (Mora, MN)

Building a road over a swamp

Year Completed: 2009

Going back many decades, Lumber Street in Mora, MN has required continual monitoring, as it is built over a swamp. The road was originally built using corduroy logs, and every spring these logs came up through the roadbed (and sometimes surface) due to seasonal high water from the Snake River.

Nearly every year, the road was flagged or even closed during the spring and after heavy rains. After the water subsided, grading and/or gravel was needed for repair work. The road is not often traveled by local residents but is needed by the post office, school buses, and emergency vehicles.

Brunswick Township had two options: abandon the stretch of road altogether, or install TDA. Road Supervisor Paul Kollar attended a presentation by TDA Manufacturing in Isanti, Minnesota and chose to repair Lumber Street utilizing TDA to stabilize the road and create capillary break in the subgrade.

Since construction, Lumber Street is now one of the stronger roads in the township and will remain so for a long time.

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