Our planet is faced with incredible responsibilities to manage the waste that is produced by our population. In the tire world, the United States is responsible for managing approximately one discarded tire per person per year. TDA Manufacturing/First State Tire Recycling is very involved in the environmental aspect of recycling and finding innovative solutions. Part of our goal is to create marketplaces for waste tires - an endeavor that requires resources, research, patience and new ideas.
TDA has proven to be a valuable resource in the field of civil engineering. As the use of TDA in engineering applications increase, it becomes important to identify any potential associated environmental impacts and implement design modifications to mitigate potential problems. Research conducted over the last 30 years by the Environmental Protection Agency, universities and other firms and organizations conclude that TDA has negligible effect on water quality, and leach metals fall below detection limits just a few feet from the TDA fill section.
In fact, TDA is so sustainable and environmentally friendly that it can be utilized in projects seeking LEED, GREEN ROADS and Green Build Certification.