2017 Residential Driveway
"The price is extremely good, far cheaper than conventional repair materials. I can't even believe everything they're doing." – Sam Hooper (homeowner)

1990 Minneapolis Convention Center
“Waste tire shreds have been used as a lightweight fill material under roads, but never in this unique way. The City of Minneapolis deserves credit for considering and developing this new use for recycled tires. The use of tire shreds saved the developers and taxpayer’s money, reduced the stress load on the parking ramp, made it possible to develop a park above the ramp, and helped recycle a part of our waste that has been a problem for years. We hope that more individuals and companies will develop innovative uses for recycled waste tires and help our state better manage its solid waste”
–Gerald Willet (MPCA Commissioner)

1990 Minneapolis Convention Center
“This is truly a pioneering effort. Engineering judgment and the past experience we had with the material was relied upon to prepare the final plans and specifications for the material sizing and unit weight, containment, placing and compacting, construct-ability and long-term performance. The application of shredded tires as a lightweight fill has been a success for the Minneapolis Convention Center. Since this project was installed knowledge gained has helped open more doors to the expanded use of shredded tires and is providing an effective engineered application for tire shreds in Minnesota. Our innovative approaches to dealing with weak, compressible soils and cold winters have made us a model nationwide”.
–Blake Nelson

1992 I35 Exit Ramp 171
Ted Sexton, an engineer for MnDot said “the ramp had to cross an area filled with marl. Removing the deposit would have required extensive excavation. Recycled tires provided a cost-effective solution that so far has withstood about 10 years of use with no signs of deterioration”.

2015 Midway Office Complex
“The use of TDA as a storage facility for stormwater treatment provides an environmentally safe reuse of tires that would otherwise be discarded as waste.”
– (LHB Corporation)

2018 American Engineering Testing
“The owner was looking for options to save money and the TDA material provides significant savings over using clean stone”
-Frattalone Companies

2019 Woodbury Maintenance Facility
“Since within the project site green space is very limited, typically we would look at doing surface water features. So, we looked at using these recycled tires in order to be underground, then when it rains the water would then be stored within the void space of these tire shreds and then infiltrate into the ground. That’s less runoff that’s generated and everything is stored within the TDA itself and it’s a way to lower the runoff volume and pollutants.” – Dustin deFelice (Bolton & Menk Engineer)

2019 Stearns Bank Albany, MN
“Not only does the TDA slow water down and deal with the capacity, it treats it, as well,” said Shawn Robinson (superintendent with Miller Architects & Builders)

2002 Purgatory Creek, Eden Prairie
“I think it saved a ton of money. The wood chips and shredded tires cause less settlement because they’re lighter. If the project would have proceeded in a normal construction using heavier soil fill, a substantial amount of extra material would have to have been imported.”
– William Cody (Principal Engineer, American Engineering Testing, Inc.)

2003 Beroun Liquor Store
“There has been no movement of the slab. It works great. The customer is very happy. Using tire chips saved time and money on the project. The owner would have had additional excavating and material costs if the traditional methods had been used to dig out the poor soils and bring in fill. Also, it was a wet spring. If I had been working on that site with dirt, instead of tires, I don’t know if I could have completed it in a timely fashion” stated Bob Jones from Jones Construction.

2008 Metro Metals
“The system enables this salvage business to exceed current regulatory requirements for onsite stormwater storage while conserving valuable real estate for its business activities” – Wenck Associates

2010 County Road 12
“Shredded tires have certain properties that were advantageous in this case. They have a high interface friction angle and low weight of regular soil.”
–Steve Gale (Gale-Tech Engineering Inc.)