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Blog Posts (5)

  • Downloadable Info Sheet: TDA in highway and transporation

    DOWNLOAD YOUR COPY (PDF): TDA Manufacturing worked with the U.S. Tire Manufacturer’s Association to provide a table-top display and samples of tire-derived aggregate (TDA) for the attendees of the American Association of Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) annual meeting and conference, taking place October 19-23 in Orlando, FL. The AASHTO Annual Meeting, one of the transportation industry’s most important conferences of the year, brings together experts from the public and private sector to share the latest in industry policy and innovation. Attendees network with fellow transportation professionals and contribute to discussions on a wide range of issues facing the industry today and tomorrow. Our hope is that these materials provide a touchpoint for ongoing discussions about the use of TDA in engineering projects related to highway and transportation challenges. TDA helps increase the safety factor of engineering plans/designs, saves on cost of materials, and can be utilized in projects seeking LEED, GREEN ROADS or Green Build certification!

  • Swamp crossing problem solved with TDA

    Steve Hass, Proprietor of Hass Construction, has been responsible for township road maintenance for over 30 years. Stanchfield Township (Minnesota) is one of the many townships his company maintains roads for. Steve and the township officials wanted to improve a section of 381st Avenue that crosses a peaty, swampy area. This swamp crossing is 15-20 feet lower than the sandy knolls on both sides of the swamp. The solution is to elevate the valley, to make the roadway easier and safer, improve driving safety for the area’s residents by leveling out this particularly bad area, and reduce the historic issues with frost heaving and flooding. “Elevating the valley by approximately 8 feet makes for a smoother and safer ride, and protects the surrounding land,” said Monte Niemi, CEO of TDA Manufacturing in Isanti, Minnesota. Tire-derived aggregate (TDA) was chosen as the lightweight aggregate fill for this project due to its interlocking “snowshoe effect” – where the pieces weave together, helping to spread the weight of the driving surface over the soft the organic soils under the current road. TDA possesses a standing beneficial use designation in Minnesota, which means that it can be used as lightweight fill without a permit (when used in accordance with MPCA directives) for any road construction project that is managed by a professional engineer. For the full story and photo history, visit the Project Gallery.

  • TDA Manufacturing Hosts Documentary Team

    Over three days in August, TDA Manufacturing (Isanti, MN) hosted the producers of Into the Outdoors, an education network that empowers today’s youth and adults to think critically about our planet. Part science lesson and part adventure, Into the Outdoors uncovers the stories behind sensible solutions to creating a better planet while the kid hosts have fun along the way. ITO also arms educators with video resources and lesson plans in various science categories. They were at TDA Manufacturing to film portions of the documentary “Sustainable Waste Tire Solutions,” which will feature the many environmentally friendly uses of tire-derived aggregate (TDA). Over the course of three days, twelve-year-old host Wesley and the production crew trekked to: An apartment construction site in Burnsville, MN, to learn how TDA can solve challenging building issues, such as lateral pressure created by uneven soil levels Purgatory Creek Recreation Area (Eden Prairie, MN), to see a TDA installation in a muddy wetland area that’s stood the test of time (20 years!) The Minneapolis Convention Center, where TDA was used in a below-ground parking ramp The University of Minnesota, where Wesley interviewed professors researching the capabilities of TDA in stormwater and clean-water applications The team wrapped up the whirlwind tour by interviewing Monte Niemi, CEO of TDA Manufacturing, who gave a brief history of how far we’ve come in our understanding of TDA. Watch for “Sustainable Waste Tire Solutions” to air in early 2023 on various broadcast and PBS stations. Check the schedule.

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Other Pages (122)

  • Recreational Projects

    (Back) Projects: Recreational Spaces Black Bear Casino Trail Path stabilization with TDA Read More Chomonix Golf Course TDA replaces poor soils under parking lot and tees Read More Elm Crest Park Trail TDA keeps city park opening on schedule Read More Lake McKusik Trail City realizes significant cost savings Read More Purgatory Creek Recreation Area Stable foundation for recreational area Read More

  • Parking Lot Projects

    (Back) Projects: Parking Lots Minneapolis Convention Center Reducing stress load on underground parking ramp Reducing stress load on underground parking ramp Nompeng Academy Unexpected peat deposit Unexpected peat deposit Parking Lot Retaining Wall (New Hope, MN) Reducing lateral load on lower lot retaining wall Reducing lateral load on lower lot retaining wall

  • Building Projects

    (Back) Projects: Buildings Concorde Flats Apartments Project engineer sees opportunity in challenging building lots Read More Encore on the Park Apartments Limited space and poor soil? No problem for TDA! Read More HyVee Grocery Store Road surface elevation just a few feet below the building's roof elevation Read More Lake Jonathan Flats Five-story apartment complex next to a highway Read More Parkway Place Apartments Project Nominated for Governor’s Award for Excellence in Recycling Read More

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